Tuesday 21 February 2012

You will be SO stuffed up.. and an update on hormonal rage...

No one told me that I would wake up every day thinking, "Dammit, I'm getting a cold - I can't even breathe."  Turns out though, I wasn't getting a cold.  No, no... I was just 'stuffed up' every morning.  And if you think that sucks, wait until you actually DO get that cold.  I had a "little head cold" for over three weeks.  I wish I could have kept track of the number of times/day I blew my nose.  It's hard to tell if you're feeling better when every morning you wake up unable to breathe. 

Now... mix not being able to breathe, with hormonal rage.  I can even do it mathematically now:

(breathe) + Rage = waking up at 3:00 am angry beyond all reason.  Sometimes, the result was waking up my extremely patient other half to tell him how mad I was that I couldn't breathe.  If I can't sleep, neither can he. 

I will point out at this time, that my other half is a saint.  He is beyond patient, puts up with my craziness, gives in to some of my cravings, but reels me in when he knows I'm being completely ridiculous. 

Perhaps this whole blog should've focused on hormonal craziness... My latest whack job experience, thanks to the wonderful world of hormones, was leaving the house in tears because the other half didn't put the keys on the key rack, where I like them to be kept.  It's a pet peeve, and he's trying to work on it.  On those mornings when I'm going to work or an appointment, it's instant anger and frustration.  If I have to look for more than about 10 seconds, consider the entire day shot.

I would tell you about how ridiculous my hormones made me on the weekend, but I think it would get me a free ticket to the loonie bin, so instead I'll sign off.  

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